Waste Management
Importance and Mission
PTTEP prioritizes environmental sustainability and responsible resource utilization throughout its operations. This commitment necessitates robust waste management practices. By adhering to stringent environmental standards and implementing sustainable waste management strategies, PTTEP effectively minimizes its environmental footprint. These practices not only enhance operational efficiency but also reduce waste disposal costs and maximize resource recovery and reuse. Effective waste management plays a crucial role in driving PTTEP's achievement of both environmental sustainability and long-term operational excellence.
- 1 At least 50% of main structure of E&P business must be reused with safety awareness and efficient conditions by 2030
- 2 Zero total waste to landfill in domestic operations including petroleum support bases by 2025 and all operations (both Thailand and overseas) by 2030
Management Approach
PTTEP handles waste from its operations in compliance with regulations and laws stipulated by the countries where PTTEP operates as well as the waste management hierarchy. The priority is to avoid generating waste at source, by removing and reducing waste volume. Then, the emphasis is on strategy to reuse, recycle and recover waste in accordance with the circular economy concept. Waste treatment and disposal are the last in the hierarchy to consider. PTTEP has established the "Circular Model for E&P" strategy, and its long-term goals to align with waste management hierarchy.

In order to ensure effective waste management according to the above waste management hierarchy, PTTEP has identified best alternatives beyond local regulatory requirements for waste management in E&P activities. The company has continuously improved its waste management alternatives to elevate the management system standard focusing on waste upcycling through the implementation of 2 approaches as follows:
Main Structure Reuse
emphasis on offshore wellhead platform reuse which including topside and jacket as well as operational main equipment.
Operational Waste Management and Upcycling High Volume Waste
PTTEP attempts to increase the value of waste from the petroleum production process. Those include the studying in the innovation or R&D to minimize waste, such as Flare Gas Conversion to Carbon Nanotube (CNT), CO2 Conversion to Cyclic Carbonate (CCC), Curing Technology for CO2 Sequestration in Artificial Reefs, Recycled Drill Cuttings, oil sludge to Graphene, waste to electricity energy, wastes to Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF), food waste composter, etc.
Furthermore, PTTEP regularly conducts the Safety, Security, Health and Environment Management System (SSHE MS) audit including waste management to identify opportunities for improving waste performance, including manifest record examinations, site walk-throughs, and waste sorting. In addition, PTTEP ensures waste data including waste diversion from landfill is verified by an independent body as part of report verification and supports these practices by providing waste management training to employees.
In 2020, we achieved zero hazardous waste to landfills for operating assets in Thailand, moving forward to achieve zero waste to landfills by 2030 for all operating assets both in Thailand and overseas. In addition, PTTEP also has regularly audits and reviews of the waste management practices at those of waste treatment and disposal contractors, to ensure compliance to legal and the Company's stringent waste management procedure. This helps contractors improve their waste management areas and processes in a correct and proper manner.