Importance and Mission

PTTEP realizes the importance of compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as responsibility for community, society, and the environment in all operating areas, to reduce both direct and indirect impacts on the environment (inclusive of spillage, climate change, biodiversity, waste, air pollution, and water resources). PTTEP has garnered stakeholders' trust and has embodied the values of responsible consumption of natural resources, environmental stewardship, conservation, and sustainable management.


  • 1 Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 for E&P business covering scope 1 and scope 2 under PTTEP’s operational control.
  • 2 Achieve zero oil and chemical spill.
  • 3 Achieve zero total waste to landfill by 2030.
  • 4 No operation in areas at risk from water scarcity and ensure that there is no impact on the community and water users.
  • 5 Avoid operation in World Heritage sites as defined by UNESCO.
  • 6 Achieve "No-Net Loss" (NNL) of biodiversity in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Category I-IV protected areas by 2044.
  • 7 Net Positive Impact of Ocean Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Ocean BES) value in all offshore operations by 2030, compared to the 2019 base year.
  • 8 No Gross Deforestation for E&P Projects from 2021 onwards.


PTTEP commits to operating business conscientiously and responsibly towards society and the environment by adhering to the Safety, Security, Health, and Environmental (SSHE) Policy, and Sustainability Policy which includes a commitment to environmental protection. Company personnel, business partners, and contractors working for or on behalf of the Company must abide by the SSHE Policy.

PTTEP implements SSHE Management System (SSHE MS), which complies with the ISO 14001 international standard. PTTEP requires all operating assets to implement and certify for the ISO 14001 within 2 years after execution of the production phase or after new acquisition of brown field, which resulted in the achievement of the latest ISO 14001:2015 certification for PTTEP's operating assets in Thailand (except G1 Project which is under the transition phase), Myanmar, and Malaysia from SOCOTEC certification (under United Kingdom Accreditation Service – UKAS). PTTEP develops SSHE Management System covering all activities in E&P phases; exploration, production, and decommissioning and major supporting activities; product transportation, waste management, logistics and supply chain management. For effective implementation, the corporate oversight of SSHE management system is in place which includes the requirement of SSHE due diligence process before, during and after a merger and acquisition (M&A) deal takes place, to ensure business partners' compliance with the Company's requirements.

PTTEP assesses each project's environmental risks against regulatory requirements, the Company's standards and/or international standards. Such environmental assessment is a tool to identify and evaluate environmental issues and impacts. It also helps in the setting of impact monitoring and mitigation plans. Throughout the business lifecycle, from exploration, production until decommissioning, PTTEP has followed all requirements specified in the Environmental Assessment Reports for exploration, production, and decommissioning activities (which include those relating to social and health issues).

Stakeholders also play an important role in driving business towards success and this demands appropriate management of their expectations and agreed objectives. Stakeholder management is conducted through the Company's stakeholder management process or the Environmental Assessment process. The stakeholder engagement activities will be arranged for all Environmental Assessment projects in order to gather concerns raised during the engagement activities, as well as suggestions to prevent and mitigate possible impacts. Such concerns are analyzed, to define appropriate measures.

Furthermore, PTTEP is committed to comprehensive reporting on environmental performance for all assets and petroleum support bases under our operational control. The Company has achieved the group-wide coverage of environmental reporting at 100% and is in line with the Global Reporting Initiative's Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards), full reporting guideline on Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures (OGSD) for the "In Accordance – Core" option and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)'s reporting guideline on international sustainability. The Company has continuously collected and reported the environmental performances via the web-based “Environmental Performance System (EPS)”​ This reporting covers energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, air emissions, water withdrawal, water discharge, spills, produced water management, waste management, hydrocarbon production, and environmental expenditure. The up-to-date data can be analyzed to enhance environmental management efficiency and ensure compliance with relevant laws and the Company's requirement.

For continuous improvement of environmental performance, PTTEP has reviewed and improved data collection and database to ensure its timeliness. Environmental data has been verified by an external party and publicly disclosed in PTTEP's annual Sustainability Report. In addition, PTTEP also benchmarks its performance on climate change and water security against peers in International Association of Oil and Gas Producer (IOGP), Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), and other organizations.

Beside the environmental management implementation in operational sites, PTTEP also promotes the optimization of natural resources and energy consumption, while remaining environmentally friendly, at Headquarters in Bangkok and provincial offices. the Company adopts the Green Office concept from Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP)'s to promote the reduction in energy and natural resource consumption, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. This well supports the growing environmental conservation awareness to the Company's personnel.

In 2022, there are 20 reports have started conducting for exploration, production and decommissioning projects in Thailand, Myanmar, and Malaysia to ensure that environmental impacts were assessed, mitigated, and monitored appropriately. In addition, 13 reports had been approved by the government in 2022. The summary of the Company's EIAs and case studies is included in Related Documents.