Sustainability Performance Data
PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) prepared sustainability performance report annually with the objective of disclosing its economic, social and environmental performance, in alignment with its sustainability's material issues. The information in this report covers performance from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
All activities consolidated for financial reporting purposes are covered. However, PTTEP's 2023 performance data of economic and governance dimension covers all operations (Operational Control and Non–operational Control) which data coverage account for 100% of the Company’s revenue. Whereas environmental and social dimensions performance data cover only the operations which are under PTTEP operational control and were collected from PTTEP operations (PTTEP as the operator) which data coverage account for more than 75% of the Company’s revenue. You can access our further information in Scope of Reporting.
In addition, PTTEP has created a Content Index that facilitates readers and all stakeholders to understand how the related information is disclosed in sustainability report and PTTEP website in alignment with GRI Standards and Integrated Reporting Framework (IR) and Task Force on Climate–Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Your opinions on PTTEP's sustainability can be expressed at
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