Importance and Mission

PTTEP is committed to fundamental human rights by honoring local laws, cultures, traditions and values in treating employees and stakeholders as well as avoiding human rights violation. PTTEP follows human rights principles and attempts to enforce them throughout the supply chain on expectation that the Company's employees, suppliers and contractors acting on behalf of the Company would adhere to common principles and integrate all involved aspects in their operations.

Human Rights Commitment

PTTEP respects human rights wherever it operates, as guided by its corporate good governance principles, business ethics, CSR framework and sustainability philosophy and based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Most importantly, PTTEP participated in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2011 and is required to report on the implementation of human rights measures and impacts on stakeholders. To ensure economic and social values of business operations, UNGC highlights the need for businesses to integrate 10 principles into their operations. PTTEP's Communication on Progress (CoP) on the implementation of 10 principles has been carried out since 2015, mainly falling into 4 categories of human rights (Principles 1–2), labor (Principles 3–6), environment and anti–corruption (Principles 7–10). In 2022, PTTEP, as one of more than 850 companies from over 80 countries, participated in the Early Adopter Programme to test the new UNGC Communication on Progress platform for further improvement. Moreover, PTTEP's Human Rights Policy is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) or Ruggie Framework, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. In addition, the Company is committed to aligning its human rights implementation with the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights – NAP in all related dimensions and expects its personnel to uphold PTTEP's Human Rights Policy and seeks business partners and suppliers' cooperation in honoring human rights principles in any business activities.

Responsible Operations

Our Business Ethics & Code of Conducts state that PTTEP Group upholds "good corporate governance and business ethics", committed to operating without causing social and environmental impacts, honoring human rights principles and taking into account stakeholders' interests. As a responsible citizen, PTTEP ensures strict implementation of the Human Rights Policy among employees at all premises. Such implementation has been continuously monitored while business practices have been continually improved. Suppliers and business partners are encouraged to follow the same path. In view of Supply Chain, PTTEP has communicated with its suppliers and contractors to seek their acknowledgement and agreement to PTTEP Vendor Sustainable Code of Conduct to achieve safe and sustainable operations and minimum social and environmental impacts. Also, PTTEP has established the assessment and monitoring process and enforced before the selection and during the contract life particularly with critical suppliers and high–risk activities, to ensure that their operations meet standards, contractual clauses, business ethics and human rights principles. Such practices are expected to prevent and reduce possible social and environmental risks.

Management Approach

For concrete implementation of PTTEP's Human Rights Policy with respect to human rights and prevention of violation from PTTEP's business activities, the Company developed the Human Rights Management System which involves 3 key aspects:

  • 1 human rights due diligence
  • 2 whistleblowing and remedies
  • 3 building shared responsibility and understanding on human rights

Human Rights Due Diligence

PTTEP has incorporated a Human Rights Due Diligence Process into its Human Rights Management System. The due diligence covers human rights–related risk assessment, mitigation plan and measures for medium to high risks, and monitoring of such risks. In 2020, PTTEP outsourced independent human rights specialists to advise and review its risk assessment process and Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD).

PTTEP Human Rights Management System clearly specifies the required identification of human rights issues which are classified into 5 main groups based on their involvement: personnel, community, supply chain, environment and security. Such identification includes employees, third–party employees and vulnerable groups such as underprivileged people, LGBTQI+, elderly, children, ethnic minorities, indigenous people and migrant workers. PTTEP assesses human rights issues based on 2 factors: likelihood and impact, being aligned with PTTEP Human Rights Policy, PTT Group's Risk Assessment Framework, UN Global Compact's due diligence guidelines and IPIECA's practices.

The Company has been conducting human rights risk assessment annually since 2014 covering our own operations, throughout business value chain, other activities related to our business and new business relations (mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, etc.) to assess risks, directly and indirectly caused by the Company, and to determine mitigation measures. All identified risks, which cover the risks from key activities of both onshore and offshore assets in every phase; for example, seismic survey, exploration and appraisal drilling, development and production, recruitment, supply chain management and security management from the start of M&A due diligence through decommissioning, are to be recorded in PTTEP's Human Rights Risk Register.

PTTEP's human rights risk assessment in 2022 covered 100% of operating assets, non–operated joint ventures and Tier–1 suppliers. The result showed 13% of the Company's activities contained medium–level human rights risks which involved 3 salient issues: (1) personnel and contractors' health, safety, and welfare; (2) security management in sensitive area; and (3) health, safety and quality of life of the local community. The issues have been addressed by PTTEP's practices under Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) Management System, Human Rights Management System, and Issue and Stakeholder Management System, and the Company found no high residual risk.

To prevent and reduce potential violation, the Company conducts a systematic and regular review of the risk mapping of potential issues and requires the monitoring of medium–to–high–level risks. Although there were only medium–level risks identified in the 2022 assessment, the Company exercised high alert monitoring on 3 operating sites (18% of 17 operating assets) and 3 non–operated Joint Venture sites (14% of 22 non–operating Joint Venture assets). The aforementioned sites were monitored and mitigation plans including remediation were 100% prepared.

In addition, the Company has continuously followed up on the progress of Mozambique Area 1 Project (a non–operating joint venture in which PTTEP holding 8.5% shares), particularly on the relocation of the community. To ensure that the resettlement is well organized, PTTEP and its partners have worked on a resettlement program, community engagement and other actions in accordance with international standards to ensure fair treatment and minimize the impact on the livelihood of the local community. The resettlement program along with community development programs supports the settlers' adjustment and improves their quality of life and the standard of living while promoting self–reliance through supports on agriculture, local business for living, transportation, and community water system, etc.

As of 2020, the construction of accommodations for Phase 2 resettlement was completed as planned and the relocation of the community is underway. However, the unrest situation in the project area in the beginning of 2021 has stalled the progress. The Project is in full cooperation with the government of Mozambique to provide humanitarian supports to the resettlement–affected population where possible. In 2023, an assessment of the humanitarian situation was conducted to evaluate the actions carried out by Mozambique Area 1 Project in this respect and to recommend any additional actions to improve the socio–economic and human rights situation in the project area. A follow–up mission to monitor the implementation of this action plan will be carried out at the request of the project partners to ensure successful implementation.

In the annual human rights risk assessment for 2022, PTTEP identified the risks from Yadana and Zawtika projects following the coup in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The risks chiefly concerned the safety of employees and contractors at the operational sites as well as the operation integrity which could impact energy security. Currently, both projects supply natural gas for the generating of electricity which is basic necessity for improving people's standard of living, driving economic growth and developing the country. Besides, an equitable access to energy is a fundamental human right that all people are entitled to. The Company has been closely monitoring the situation with a primary concern on the employees' safety and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar's energy security. Under these challenging circumstances, the Company has followed the crisis management and business continuity plans to minimize impacts and create understanding as explained above. PTTEP aligns with international human rights standards and honor the cultures, traditions, values and applicable laws of all countries where we operate, including the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Further information on PTT Group's Risk Assessment Framework is on PTT Human Rights Management page.

Whistleblowing and Remedies

PTTEP recognizes the importance of human rights protection and remediation for individuals who may be affected by its operations. The Company has, therefore, established regulations on whistleblowing and whistleblower protection. Communication channels accessible to all stakeholders are in place, where they can voice their comments and grievances. PTTEP developed the guideline to be used as a framework and guidance to ensure appropriate remediation, compensation and mitigation (in monetary and non–monetary forms) for the people affected by the complaint as stated in the Remediation Guideline.

Building Shared Responsibility and Understanding on Human Rights

During 2019–2020, PTTEP had put effort in building shared responsibility, awareness and understanding on human rights through communications and trainings for relevant units such as human resources, community relations, and procurement. The goal is for its personnel to gain a better understanding of the identification of human rights risks, which will lead to appropriate management.

In 2021, PTTEP expanded human rights training on an online platform to cover all PTTEP employees with aim to enhance their knowledge and understanding on PTTEP Human Rights Management System, human rights fundamentals, business expectation and due diligence in the aspects of Workplace, Safety Security Health and Environment (SSHE), Supply Chain and Community covering fair labor and working condition, safe workplace, collective bargaining, discrimination and harassment, environmental impact management, etc., with more than 122 hours of staff participating. Additionally, in 2022, PTTEP put effort in enhancing employees' understanding on harassment and gender diversity through a live online session by guest speakers.

In addition, PTTEP participated in the government's public workshop to review and give feedbacks on Thailand's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP), the first NAP enforced in Asia Pacific, and the 4th National Human Rights Plan. Besides, PTTEP participated in human rights panel sessions to share its views and best practices. Thanks to the efforts, PTTEP was awarded the 2022 Role Model Organization on Human Rights in State Enterprise sector from the Rights and Liberties Protection Department for the 4th consecutive year.