Sustainability Policy and Guidelines
Sustainability Policy
Guided by PTTEP’s Sustainability Framework and Vision, “Energy Partner of Choice”, PTTEP is committed to conducting its businesses with responsibility and resilience in response to the energy transition while creating shared values to all stakeholders (From We to World). All could be achieved through PTTEP’s Sustainability Policy outlined below:
- Drive organizational implementation to achieve Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2050 for E&P business covering scope 1 and scope 2 under PTTEP’s operational control.
- Maximize E&P competitiveness, ensure business growth through gas value chain and new businesses in clean energy and technology and enhance its capability and knowledge base to adjust to future changes.
- Emphasize operational excellence, efficiency improvement, innovation as well as Digital, Organization and New Normal Transformations for continuous improvement.
- Strengthen the Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) management to achieve our Zero Incident Organization target.
- Conduct business with transparency and efficiency, adhere to the good corporate governance principles and ensure appropriate risk management and internal control, as well as compliance with relevant laws and regulations throughout the Company’s value chain in every operating country.
- Create sustainable and long-term shared values to all stakeholders through community and social development, natural resources conservation and environmental rehabilitation along with appropriate implementation of carbon offset programs covering forestation and other initiatives, particularly those designed to absorb carbon in coastal and marine ecosystems (Blue Carbon).
The successful implementation of this policy requires a total commitment from PTTEP management and employees at all levels with expectation for PTTEP subsidiaries, stakeholders, suppliers & contractors and business partners to share the same commitment in parallel with respecting labour and human rights. PTTEP shall disclose its sustainability performance with transparency in accordance with the recognized international standards and pursue collaborative action through dialogues and partnerships with global organizations to demonstrate its commitment and strengthen sustainability capabilities.
Montri Rawanchaikul
Chief Executive Officer
January 20, 2023
Sustainability Booklet